Optical Internal Urethrotomy in India
What is Urethrotomy ?
A urethrotomy is an operation which involves incision of the urethra, especially for relief of a stricture. It is most often performed in the outpatient setting, with the patient (usually) being discharged from the hospital or surgery center within six hours from the procedure's inception.
TUrethrotomy (often referred to as DVIU, or Direct Visual Internal Urethrotomy) is a popular treatment for male urethral strictures. However, the performance characteristics are poor. Success is less than 9% for the first or subsequent urethrotomies. Most patients will be expected to experience failure with longer followup and the expected long-term success rate from any urethrotomy approach is 0%.
The procedure
Now the diagnosis has been confirmed by either cystoscopy or a prior urethrography, the patient is placed in the lithotomy position, and the urinary meatus is cleansed with an appropriate surgical cleansing agent (scrub), usually containing Povidone-iodine, then surgically draped. An IV antibiotic or other anti-infective medication is administered in conjunction with intravenous normal saline, and allowed to run until administration of the prescribed dose is completed. Most often, procedural sedation will be the chosen adjunct to patient comfort, and the patient will have received intravenous anxiolytic medication at sometime prior to, or during the surgical preparation.
Post procedural care
Prior to discharge from the surgical facility, the patient will be instructed on proper care of the urinary drainage system, how to monitor for signs of infection, and the limitations of physical activity necessary for the safety of the patient, and the success of the procedure. A course of oral antibiotics or anti-infective agents will be prescribed. Additionally, a urinary analgesic such as phenazopyridine or urinary analgesic/anti-spasmodic combination containing methanamine, methylene blue, and hyoscyamine sulfate will be offered.